Heiko Kienleitner, born 1984 in Wolfsberg in Carinthia, lives and works in Graz as a photographer and teacher for photographic design and photography at the department for art and design at the Ortweinschule Graz.

2016–2019 College of Fine Art Photography and Multimedia Art, Ortweinschule, Graz

Solo Exhibitions:
2019 Raumansichten, the smallest gallery, Graz

Group Exhibitions:
2022 8 in 26, Atelier Griesgasse 26, Graz
2022 villa volatile, Designfrische, Design Monat Graz
2022 photo graz selection IV, Fotogalerija STOLP, Maribor
2022 photo graz selection IV, Cultural Station, Svilara
2022 photo graz selection IV, Muzej likovnih umjetnosti, Osijek
2022 photo graz selection IV, Citypark, Graz
2021 photo graz selection IV, Galerija Zuccato, Porec
2021 4 Positionen junger Fotografie, Galerie Marenzi, Leibnitz
(with Elisa Wüntscher, Rebecca Unz and Manuel Rieder)
2021 photo graz 020, Altes Kino, Leibnitz
2021 Steiermark-Schau. Die Ausstellung des Landes, Graz–Wien
2020 FRESH EYES Photo Fair, Westergas, Amsterdam
2019 Fotografie Ortweinschule 2019, Fotogalerie im Rathaus, Graz
2019 Taste the Ortwein, Designforum, Graz
2019 Lendwirbel, Capperi! il locale, Graz
2018 photo graz 018, Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz

2019 Digitale Schatten (self-published)

2020 FRESH-EYES Talent (by GUP Magazine)
